"Jess" cute kitten, new pet with the makings of a mascot.
The week-end has come to an end and before the week takes off with speed here's a little "in-between post" posts. - A post with a strong ohhhh loooook factor!
This is our wee Jess. 6 weeks old. A wee cutie, a fluffy ball.
She is the new addition to the clan.
The girls, as you can well imagine, are over the moon and so, I believe, is Jess. Kittens seem to adore the clumsy attention that young children poor on them, the over enthusiastic hugs and well meant over doses of cat milk.
Well, needless to say that my Mac's hard drive is pretty full of new (feline) pics, all of which of course will now need to be processed.
There are also new drawings brewing at the back of my mind... Who could resist? I'll keep you posted.
Her colouring is "bang-on" with Black on Grey on White's colour scheme...I will have to find a VIP place for her here. Thinking caps is on.
Cheerio and sleep tight.