
Showing posts with the label swallow

Stalled blog

Mea aculpa. I've stalled my blog!!!! Foot slipped off the clutch, releasing it too quickly, timing went up the creak and the word flow came to one terrifying standstill, lasting not days, weeks or even months but over a year.... Wondering if the flow will come back or if I will need to bring out the L plates and tread cautiously.  I certainly aim to get back in the game and share happenings, changes, behind the scenes and other pencil art related info. So until then leaving you with a charming little chap and a very new sight to this equine canine dominated blog. Bird on wire, pencil on paper.  Sheona Hamilton-Grant.  2019 All rights reserved

Early Bird ... drawn

This wee bird is proud (I can totally relate) and relieved (food on the table tonight). Pride should be (sporadically) experienced, savoured, shown-off. Pride is a good (in healthy amounts) it is proof of self-respect. Pride is the main content of this post. Yep! feeling very pleased with my second bird study . A few new boxes have been ticked: Better rendering of the lay of their feathers understanding the tilt of the head learning the insectivore subtleties of their diet cornering their temperament  depth (and the best box of all) hesitation dissipated: each stroke knew where to go Bird study #2 "Early Bird" Pencil on Paper 23x19 cm P.S: Postponing my artistic discovery of the bird world for a while, new (featherless) commission on the board. Before I start,  great big thank you to  Donna Ridgeway  for the use of the her fab swallow photographs.

Bird on a wire

I was curious (and still am!)  Curious to see how my brain (and pencils) would deal with drawing something so small, so delicate, so elusive. How it would feel to get lost in feathers as opposed to hair. How it would feel to render something you are only able to touch with your eyes and heart. The great news is: these amazing sophisticated little creatures have offered to show me a whole new world... and I have agreed ;) Watch this space! Bird study #1 Pencil on Paper 19x26 cm