Early Bird ... drawn

This wee bird is proud (I can totally relate) and relieved (food on the table tonight).

Pride should be (sporadically) experienced, savoured, shown-off.
Pride is a good (in healthy amounts) it is proof of self-respect.
Pride is the main content of this post.

Yep! feeling very pleased with my second bird study.
A few new boxes have been ticked:
  • Better rendering of the lay of their feathers
  • understanding the tilt of the head
  • learning the insectivore subtleties of their diet
  • cornering their temperament 
  • depth
  • (and the best box of all) hesitation dissipated: each stroke knew where to go

Bird study #2 "Early Bird"
Pencil on Paper
23x19 cm

P.S: Postponing my artistic discovery of the bird world for a while, new (featherless) commission on the board.
Before I start,  great big thank you to Donna Ridgeway for the use of the her fab swallow photographs.


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