A blog Award awarded by fellow bloggers
Black on Grey on White has been awarded a very bright and cheerful award not by one, not by two, not by three but by four fellow bloggers ( in the space of a week).
Thank you all very much, much appreciated, actually I'm tickled pink!
The four
Accepting this award means I get to list and share seven of my favorite things and then pass the award on to seven of my favorite art blogs.
Here goes in no particular order.
- Coming in from the rain and knowing I don't need to go out again until....
the sun shines - Dancing and singing loudly when I think no-one is watching (or listening).
- The smell and taste of home made Belgian chocolate cake... (has to be Belgian) fresh out of my oven.
- Daydreaming: sun on my face and coffee in hand.
- Scotland, in the rain, the sun, the snow, the fog and the wind.
- Drawing when the world's asleep.
- My iMac
- Jennifer Prat
- Kathi Peters at Cob Cottage Studio
- Kim Santini at Painting a Dog a Day
- Linda Shantz
- Donna Ridgeway
- Juliet Harrison at Le Cheval the Horse
- Gayle Mason at Fur in the Paint
Hope you really don't mind. If you haven't time to do it that's fine. Understandable!
All the best