Bismark, new pencil drawing completed

Made it!
Unpacked the boxes, made a comfy space, re-tuned the hi-fi. As a result have actually got a flow going which in turn allowed me to complete my first commission in our new home.

As many of you know we have moved and it shook us all to the core (unforeseen events, mistakes and situations added to the already existing stress that comes attached to any international move).

Two weeks ago the prospect of getting to create and scribble were looking very grim.
Today, that is history.
Pencils are up and running.
Motivation and energy levels are following.
All sorts of wee hitches are still present and adding their own kind of excitement. They are however not worth wasting too much time over as I am sure they will be sorted some time soon.

So, it is with great pleasure that I would like to introduce Bismark a fluffy canine with a great gentlemanly charcacter. (please forgive the over dark contrasted of the wee hitches that still needs to be sorted!)
Pencil on Paper. 22x26 cm
Sheona Hamilton-Grant. All rights reserved.

Tomorrow is another day.
On the board a very special equine.
Will share as soon as possible.


Arti said…
Bismark is remarkably handsome and your drawing - well, wonderful as usual. congratulations on getting back with your pencils!
Elizabeth McCrindle said…
Glad to here that things are finally taking shape with the move. Bismark looks a lively, happy chappy :)
jullia said…
Hi Sheona!
I sow your lately posts about the moving and everything. I'm glad everything is good now and you have established in a nice place. I sow the photos with your new studio.. really nice and large :)
I have moved too, but still in my country.. anyway now I am in a very beautiful mountain town :) far away by the crowded cars.
Have a nice day! and I'm waiting to see new drawings ;)
Unknown said…
Arti a big belated thank you:it's great to be back :D
Jullia wonderful to hear from you. Moving is quite a massive undertaking. Sounds as though you have found a great new place to live. Good luck with the new life. Looking out for you on the cyberwaves. Cheers

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