His name was Johnny, Johnny Jo...

His name was Johnny, Johnny Jo.

His middle names: funny, silly, kind, stubborn, daft, sweet, fun, JJ...

Sadly all his names are no more.

Johnny passed away this summer leaving a wee hole in our hearts, a bundle of happy memories in our minds and a big very empty red bed.

Johnny Jo

God speed Johnny...


CanadianBookLady said…
A beautiful tribute, Sheona. It's so heart-rending to say good-bye to our Johnnys. Thinking of you...
Elizabeth McCrindle said…
I'm so sorry for you and the family's loss :(
Linda Shantz said…
I'm so sorry, Sheona. :-( So hard to lose our furfriends.
__ said…
I'm very very sorry for your loss. These are beautiful photos. It's not hard to imagine that he was a really good fellow.
Unknown said…
Thank you all! He passed away peacefully and swiftly in his sleep. His heart stopped. 14 years of Johnny will cherished and not forgotten.
Jo Castillo said…
Sorry about Johnny Jo. He had a great name. :) Hugs.
Unknown said…
Hello Jo lol! (his name was really just like him:D)
Kim Ratigan said…
So sorry to hear about your loss; You've captured some wonderful "joy of life" moments in your pics.

I was smiling until the last one....that one got me... :`(
Unknown said…
Thank you Kim. Those eyes, that look could make the hardest heart melt...

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