Coralina: equine portrait
Coralina, this big brown mare is known for her speed, her braveness, her very good carriage skills.
Now Coralina is also known for her indoor presence.
Her portrait was drawn in time for the festive season and, I am told, has taken pride of place in her owners dining room. A great big thank-you to my new collector.
On Monday I will be drawing a Dinosaur.
Kim Santini pointed out Draw a Dinosaur Day.
I'm in!
A change in the old routine is much needed and drawing a dinosaur fits the bill!
However, right now (and for this minute only) I wish I had little boys with a big collection of the extinct beasts as opposed to a box full of long haired cute blondes!
Off to get me a Dino.
Have a great week-end.