Johnny Jo- Sketched by Monica Dahl
Journal Entry 2010 Monica Dahl. All rights reserved Alive Johnny had this ability of enchanting people with his magic tail-wagging "smile", little did I know he could do it after his death . A short time after " Johnny Jo " died, one of my readers (fellow artist Monica Dahl) contacted me asking for permission to use a " JJ photograph" as a reference . Johnny Jo Journal entry close-up. Pencil on Paper Monica Dahl. All rights reserved The result is a wonderful sketch capturing his whole Johnny-ness; his big-hair - big eyes - big heart. The result a beautiful timeless entry into Monica's very personal and precious traveling sketchbook. The result a tear in my eye and a smile on my lips. Here is one more example of Monica's delicate and beautiful pencil work. Hope pencil on paper. Monica Dahl.2011 All rights reserved.