
Stalled blog

Mea aculpa. I've stalled my blog!!!! Foot slipped off the clutch, releasing it too quickly, timing went up the creak and the word flow came to one terrifying standstill, lasting not days, weeks or even months but over a year.... Wondering if the flow will come back or if I will need to bring out the L plates and tread cautiously.  I certainly aim to get back in the game and share happenings, changes, behind the scenes and other pencil art related info. So until then leaving you with a charming little chap and a very new sight to this equine canine dominated blog. Bird on wire, pencil on paper.  Sheona Hamilton-Grant.  2019 All rights reserved

AloĆÆs ... a tribute drawing

Big, strong, playful and sadly missed! My pencils were given the mission of portraying immortalising AloĆÆs in action... "deep water stick fetching" AloĆÆs pencil on paper, 60x44cm Sheona Hamilton-Grant.  All rights reserved. SOLD Drawing this commission was a fantastic experience. I love the forward movement the slight tilt, shift to the left. Both implying life and the past, both so symbolic and fundamental in a tribute portrait. AloĆÆs is no longer but has left without a doubt the biggest paw print on his family's heart.

Long rein ... long time coming

Success. Months of pain have been dealt with! All the demons faced heads on, pencils in hand. Scribbling through physical pain, soothing the emotional turmoil, relayering confidence. A new drawing: Long Rein, the result. Inspiration and a new gritty feeling, the outcome. Will be interesting to see if 2017 will see another new drawing. Watch this space: pencils are sharpened. Long Rein pencil on paper 2017 Sheona Hamilton-Grant all rights reserved.

Jumping present in this years PAS online show

Curious to have a peek at some of the best pencil artwork out there? Excellent ;) The Pencil Art Society' s new 2017 online exhibition has just gone live and showcases a wide spectrum of pencil art. A nice range of work is on display: from monotone to colour, through still live to surrealistic animal art as well as beautiful black and white portraiture. One identical element, that of quality craftsmanship and execution runs through the entirety of the selected of artwork.  Stoked to be amoung such talent.   Well done to all the winners!!!! "Jumping" 2016 Graphite on Paper 50x37 cm Sheona Hamilton-Grant

No more scribbling for now but loads of pixels ...

As many of you know, the last few month have seen an increase in my photography work and a decrease in my drawings. Due to health reasons my scribble friends are resting. Black and white images are however still being created to enjoy and share and reason behind them as powerful as ever. Lock me in a room alone or hand me a camera, and thereā€™s a mutation.  A serious change in my perception of depth, to be exact in the complexity and profundity of my train of thought;  all becomes somewhat intense. To be blunt:  I detest shallow, fear the superficial and run at olympian speed from cosmetic chic. Authenticity is the only genuine belief guiding my vision. This is where Black and white comes in. I see a monotone world where light is everything, where superficiality can find no roots, where emotions are raw. Thereā€™s no hiding, paddling in shallow waters, playing to the tune of superficial commercial stereotyped beauty. Black and white images engulf you. ...

In the frame

Seriously all it takes is a casual lean against the wall or being simply displayed with a couple of design books (and a watering can ?), artwork doesn't need to be in colour  hanging on a wall to look good. Who knew? You can set the tone with a few alternative display ideas and voila! ... framed drawings can really kick %*Ā§!!! With a few tricks and magic wand waving, I have been able to prove my wee theory with two of my drawings "Buckled" and "Cornado" . Can you picture them in your home?   "Cornado" for sale  Equis Art Gallery "Buckled" for sale Equis Art Gallery  P.S: Take advantage of the 20% discount (whole of March) on my work represented at the  Equis Art Gallery. 

Nifty news

During the whole of March, I will be the  Equis Art Gallery's  featured artist.  The only gallery of itā€™s kind  and Gem of the mid-Hudson Valley ā€“ the  EQUIS ART GALLERY  ā€“ is a purveyor of sophisticated artwork work where a white horse is not just white, a black horse is not just black and a beautiful horse is not just pretty! So very humbling and exciting . Getting ready for the occasion and off to join in in the festivities are two more drawings: Going Right and Racing Ready Racing Ready pencil on paper 37 x 41 cm reference: Linda Shantz Going Right pencil on paper 43 x 56 cm reference: Juliet Harrison