
In the end the pressure got me.  Really got to me.
I fell off the face of the world and focused on survival.

Long story cut short: tough personal goals and challenges reached and mastered successfully.
One very direct result is a brand new studio in our brand new house.

So with great gusto I have picked up my neglected pencils and put them back where they belong: in
the limelight.

Here's a wee peek from the drawing board to prove it.

Watch this space: I'm back!

p.s: Wishing you all a mega ace 2015. Have a goal, focus and go for it! It's truly worth it.


Lissa Rachelle said…
Very glad to see you back, Sheona! And especially glad to hear you're well! I think we all need to fall off the face of the online world from time to time. I know that I am feeling a deep need these past few months to retreat from it (and especially from Facebook), but I keep putting it off because I feel some sort of weird "obligation" to be present. Am slowly getting to the point where that feeling of obligation is fading and I think I may disappear too for a time :) I think it is good for us....and, of course, is lovely to come back refreshed with renewed energy and purpose! Wishing you all the very best in 2015! :)
Jo Castillo said…
Happy to see you back and drawing! Great start. Congratulations on the new house and studio. Always a challenge to get going again.
Unknown said…
Thank you Lisa! It's great to be back. I fully understand where you are coming from. The pressure and the feeling of obligation are at times unbearable. This lead me feeling resentful and angry which impacted the quality of my work. That's when I decided to take a break. Plus fitting everything in time wise with the build, the children, the commissions and daily life became impossible. Taking time out is also hard: the guilty conscious follows for days. Once that settles it's like going away on a long holiday. Take care
Unknown said…
Thank you Jo it's so nice to have the pencils scribbling again. Will post pics off the new studio asap. Thrilling working in your own space. Cheery cheers
Linda Shantz said…
Woo-hoo! Glad you survived the chaos. Not that there won't be more, but hopefully the worst is behind you! :-)
Unknown said…
Yep Linda back and so far so good. Enjoying a view with no boxes (well there is still the one the cats won't give up) and days with a far more organised and productive schedule ;) Long may it last :D

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