Time and no time

Bonfire Night
Sheona Hamilton-Grant. All rights reserved.

Wind, wind, whirl, whirl, mad, fun, mad, fun, STOP, BREATHE, wind, wind, whirl, whirl, mad, fun, mad, fun....
Still alive and scribbling.
Must admit to having been shut away deep in my cave creating all sorts of portraits. Sadly due to the top secret nature of the drawings in progress, I cannot reveal their identity until the New-Year...
BUT... I do have some images of mine I can and would love to share.
January 2010, I started my photoblog Sheona Ann Photography on Pixyblog.
A mish mash of the beauty I see daily.

My passion for photography started in my late teens when my Dad lent me his old Zenith "to try" and helped me set up a wee dark room in the corner of the garage.
Good old traditional manual photography.
Today, the Zenith has been replaced by a Canon and my dark room by Lightroom.
I may have moved with the times but my passion is still very much "up-to-date".

Off back to the drawing board, nearly done with the Christmas commissions.
Will be back with lots of news very soon, until then have a great advent and tuck up warm.


Wonderful photo!
Hi Sheona, You have been quiet of late and I certainly understand. I am just taking a break from commission work as well. Every year I start earlier and earlier with Christmas ones but . . . you know the story. Looking forward to seeing the new work in Jan.Have a good Christmas and all the best for the new year.

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