
Showing posts from 2015

Pinned to the edge ...

of my comfort zone. I went big and warped the rules of composition as much as possible. I craved for a new angle.  An angle that would emphasise all the strength and power of this amazing horse but also an angle that would defy compositional rules and regulations. Pinned to the edge was one of my hardest challenges yet.  The knowledge of my subject (we've met over seven times on the drawing board) and the energy he ignites in me kept me smiling and my pencils fervantly scribbling. The rest was hard, very hard. The proportions were hard, the dynamics were hard,  cracking rules to create drama was hard. Operating for weeks out of a zone of familiarity, uncomfortably hard. Stepping back, pencils paused, and calling it done: hard.  Letting it out of the safety of the studio into the world to face reactions: super hard! One thing though that is in no way hard:  endorsing the claim ...  pencils rock ! Pinned to th...

Wilma the French Bulldog

After a very enjoyable encounter and "get to know you" drawing sessions, Wilma is off the drawing board and leaving the studio. Drawing those big honest eyes, getting right into the thick of her facial structures has been an amazing experience. My scribble friends had their work cut out deciphering which way to turn, where to emphasise, what to highlight and what to adjust.  However, I have it on good authority that the challenge was well received by all and they are now lined-up at the board impatiently waiting to get dug into the next one... Wilma graphite on paper 26x23cm p.s: If you would like a more in-depth view into the process, three progress timelapse videos can be viewed on my Youtube channel   :)

"What's Up" new study off the board

After 8 weeks of giving them all the cold shoulder, I warmed up my scribble friends and got tucked into a new compositionally unusual dog portrait. The reason threefold: I hadn't drawn a dog for ages wanted a break from the traditional head portrait Couldn't resist those wee eyes. The result threefold: pencil shavings on the floor once again back in the groove new drawing on the board What's Up 21 x 29 cm Pencil on Paper Available  Up next a horse, a beautiful bay stallion. Back soon ....

Ready-for-open-day studio pics

went from a buzzing brain to a totally up-side studio back to normality and then over the edge to uncluttered the space of 7 days! Opening the studio to the outside world was a definite whirlwind of new undefined proportion. The flip side to the stress is mega: got to meet a great bunch of people,  have new drawing underway and I'm still (amazingly) operating in a clutter-less heaven.

When my brain buzzes

and goes into over-drive the studio's look's suffer. Creativity reaches full flow, to-do lists are shrunk,  multitasking king of the mound! Despite the fog one thing is crystal clear : these are happy days.

Bridgehouse Collections, jewel of the Ems

Did you know that black and white art looks amazing hung on a turquoise back drop? Neither did I ... until last week. Yep, last Friday saw the opening of a fabulous exiting interior decor boutique in downtown Warendorf. Bridgehouse Collections opened it's doors to an enthusiastic crowd. A crowd which gathered in anticipated delight at discovering the vision of founders Michael Ripploh and Fran Goodsell. The  resounding "oh's"' &"aaaah's" as the boutique was unveiled said it all. Much to my honour (and delight) a lovely selection of my work has been hung (for sale) in this new gem of a boutique and looks simply amazing (black and white hung on a turquoise wall is truly genius!) If you are ever in the area or simply keen on discovering ways of delighting friends and family with special gifts, be sure to keep Bridgehouse Collections on your radar! Bridgehouse Collections EmsstraƟe 22 48231 Ware...

Because I'm slow

and need to take my time when drawing, the number of original drawings that come off my board yearly only just make it into double figures. Each created diligently and lovingly over dozens and dozens of hours. This leads to frustration (yep!) compensated by either filling the studio loudly with alternative rock, way too many cups of coffee and on a really mad day extremely strange dance moves. When I say pencils rock they really do but in a slow kinda Zen way ;) This must be why I've discovered iphotography (which I now use as quick fix for my frustration) Daily walks take me on compositional adventures. I don't sketch: I shoot! Daily and feed Instagram . In total opposite to the slow brewing and care needed for one of my pencil drawings, this quick and very snappy medium brings a freedom to my creativity and compositional vision. Blink and the light is gone. Hesitate and the moment is a has been. It's thrilling.

Udemy Drawing contest

Attention to all artists  creatives in possession of a pencil, or marker or pen! Udemy is running a contest. A drawing contest. A contest open to all. You don't have to be proficient in any medium or technique. All you need is imagination. Udemy have based the contest on artist  Javier PĆ©rez    concept of masterfully finding inspiration in ordinary objects (hair clasp, spring, pencil shavings, sponge, padlock...) and giving them a whole new role. Want to have a go? here   is where you can find out all about it.

4 steps in Paul's finished portrait.

Yikes, more than 17 months have passed since I last drew a dog! Reason enough to give this new canine portrait special attention. Meet Paul. Paul is cool. Paul is tall, black, goofy and ... camera shy. Looking away, relaxed, eyes focusing in the distance, anticipating his next move is how I met him, got to know him and had to render him. Paul Pencil on Paper 24 x 28 cm Sold Sheona Hamilton-Grant. All rights reserved  Step1 Eye drawn, lay of fur and darkest darks established Step2 Further work on eye, lay of fur and outline of mouth Step3 Adding on layers of darks to establish shape of nose and detail in  mouth. Step4 Adding more layers of fur and work on nose, mouth and teeth.

Racing Ready

Hot off the board and freshly signed. This is "Racing Ready" a wonderful moment captured by fellow artist and friend  Linda Shantz on one of her very early morning escapades in Keenland a few years ago. She gave me the green light allowing my pencils have a wee bash at rendering this amazing athlete (speaking of the horse of course!) I miss the horses, daily, and wanted to feel one near me. I figured putting down an extra layer of detail and sharpened the pencils that wee bit more might do the trick. "Racing Ready" Pencil on Paper 37x41 cm Reference courtesy of Linda Shantz Available

Getting all technical

Done it! Enrolled in Mike Sibley 's advanced drawing online course . I figured that after all these years of self-learning it was time to let someone else deal with my stubborn mind to get to grips with the technical side of drawing that I have quite happily dodged for too long! One week in and there is nothing more invigorating than being put in the spotlight and up against oneself and the clock. I'm a slow worker and there is not time for dillydallying. A lot is packed into each week (I swear I've witnessed a wee bit of smoke coming out of the old grey matter!) plus the summer holidays are just round the corner ;) Speeding up is good. It has me way more focused and not so hooked-up on the trivial (although still miles away from working loose!) The result so far are three OK drawings (One that I put off for 15 years!) The mistakes priceless, welcomed and never to be repeated. Watch this space more to come. The course runs 8 weeks! Exercise in finding th...

Going Right...

Going right is what you get when a powerful combination of precision, speed and strength fuse. This stunning equine athlete had to be drawn, highlighted, brought to paper. The harmony between horse, jockey and gravity eternalised. Pencils sculpted and moulded the graphite into shape. An amazing experience! Going Right Pencil on Paper 43x56 cm Reference courtesy of Juliette harrison Available p.s ( a very loud p.s!) Once again a million thank-yous go out to Juliette Harrison for the fabulous reference photograph which is at the source of "Going Right". Make sure to check out her black and white world . It's beautiful!


This "in-between commission" drawing has been fantastic learning curve. Very intense. I pushed myself out of the very comfy zone I always draw in into a new dimension. Gave myself the challenge of portraying a stunning horse in all its beauty and strength through a dramatic cropped composition. All I had to play with loads of textures, light and lines. Very addictive way of working. Can't wait to re-offend! Intensity 34 x 54 cm Pencil on Paper Sheona Hamilton-Grant. All rights reserved.

Wee peek into new studio

Now all  the boxes are gone thought you might like to have a wee insider peek of one of my favorite places. The drawing board This is where I stand and scribble for hours with passion. Behind on the windowsill are Kim Santini' s beautiful portraits of Jess. On the back of the board Sallie Gardner at a gallop .  Sequence of photographs taken 1878 by Eadweard Muybridge. Always loved these photographs and was thrilled to find a wall Tattoo to liven up my small  all important drawing board.   Adored yellow sofa.   This is where the sun shines and the inspiration and knowledge fed (piles of art books and sketch pads on and under table).   Usually shared with a cat and other family members ;) Desk It had to be big so it's U shaped.  Decided to not stage a shot and this is usually the way it looks just before starting a new drawing, after having finished, invoiced and catalogued a complet...