Confetti, fireworks and fun: Carnival.

Carnival has yet again chiseled a fantasticaly bright hole of colour and fun in this, a very grey and morose, end of winter. My drawing board will (sadly) be gathering a little dust this week: schools are out and loads of confetti is going to hit the wind (and puddles). Carnival is celebrated the world over and Belgium is no exception. The " Gilles de Binge" have achieved "World Recognition". (For the wee snippet of info: In 2003 the Carnival of Binche was recognised as one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity a list held by the UNESCO. Extracted from Wikipedia ) A fire is made, danced around while symbolically burning away winter clearing the way for spring. This year, more than ever, I enjoyed the symbolism and loved the sight... While the confetti, oranges and fireworks fly high and end the monotony of winter, I will be putting the final touches to my newsletter. A couple of wee surprises have been kept up my sleeve and I am loo...